1. How are you branding your honesty? It’s so rare that it’s become remarkable. Make it what you’re known for. Lead with honesty.
2. Are the very first words out of your mouth consistent with your brand? Don’t make this mistake. Don’t answer the phone like everyone else. Wow customers immediately.
3. How are you allowing customers to participate in your brand? Build an online community. Gather pictures of people proudly using your products. Start a movement.
4. When was the last time you updated your brand identity? Every three to four years is good. Stale brands tank.
5. When your customers walk in the door, what welcome gift could you offer that’s consistent with your brand? Hawaii hotels give you pineapple juice and sugar cane. Aloha, indeed. People like gifts.
6. Are you building your brand using millions or imagination? Hopefully the latter, since you probably don’t have the former. Brainpower, not walletpower.
7. How are you branding your service? In a world of infinite choices, service is the key differentiator. Be known for it. Serving is ruling.
8. Is your brand unconfusable? Or is it just an carbon of someone else’s brand? Echo, not origin.
9. Is what you’re doing right consistent with building your brand? If it’s not, stop. Simple as that. Consistency is king.
10. What gives your personal brand its power? Ask this question to twenty customers. Listen. If more than half of them say the say thing; that should tell you something. Grow bigger ears.
11. Will this choice successfully express the personality of your brand? If it won’t, make a different one. Simple as that. Choice always exists.
12. Are you unique or just different? Different is something you DO deliberately; unique is something you ARE inherently. Take your pick. Different is dangerous.
13. Does your ‘from’ line on your email stand out? Nice little hot spot for your personal branding iron. Hit every touchpoint.
14. Does your voicemail make people smile? If it doesn’t, calculate the number of people that call you every day. Then multiply that number by 365. Your answer is the number of missed opportunities to make the mundane memorable. Your voicemail sucks.
15. How easily can someone else imitate you? The more imitable you are, the less valuable you are. Be the only.
16. How many free samples of your work are out there? Not enough. The more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be. Prove you’re good.
17. How much money is your reputation worth? This intangible asset determines your success more than just about anything. Google yourself now.
18. How often are you seen? Be everywhere. Be ubiquitous. Refuse to go away. Anonymity is stupidity.
19. Is there anyone else in the world that does what you do? If so, then you are no loner unique. And that’s bad. Be the ONLY.
20. What are you doing to become even more visible? Not enough. You need to make strides on a daily basis to increase your visibility. Anonymity is bankruptcy.
21. What are you recognized as being the best at? Nothing? That’s trouble. Average is dangerous.
22. What are you recognized as being the first at? Nothing? That’s even more trouble. Average is worthless.
23. What are you specializing in? Nothing? Yikes. Pick a lane.
24. What are you the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world of? Nothing? Bummer. Own a niche.
25. What did you do today to enhance your celebrity status? Write an article? Do an interview? Get new headshots? Post a hilarious video? Seek red carpets.
26. What word do you own? You know, the word that you type in the search bar on Google that results in your website being the top ten hits…? That one. One word equity.