Every organism has to keep changing just to stay competitive.
If we’re not ready to adapt and remake ourselves as the environment changes, the world will evolve and leave us behind.
Time waits for no man. Especially not the man addicted to what used to work because he’s romantic about it. Technology is the obvious example. We can insulate ourselves for a while, but eventually, it will become harder and harder to say that we don’t want to be part of it. And when we start to feel like it’s the story of our time that we’re not a part of, the fear of missing out will force us to evolve.
There’s always a choice.
Negatively govern our growth by insisting we never diversify, or outgrow our old beliefs and open ourselves to the complete possibility of what might be.
Did you hear that I’m working at POKE New York? We’re an innovation and design studio. We solve interesting problems through unconventional wisdom, relentless collaboration and outright invention. And I’m working in the creative strategy department.
For a free copy of the list called, “8 Playful Questions to Make Your Online Game Matter to Customers,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
Don’t give up,
@nametagscott // [email protected] // 314.374.3397