1. DON’T SAY: ‘You’re nuts!’
DO SAY: ‘If I had those values, I would agree with you.’
2. DON’T SAY: ‘Let me give you some advice…’
DO SAY: ‘Would you like to hear a suggestion about this?’
3. DON’T SAY: ‘Wanna talk about it?’
DO SAY: ‘Mmm, tough problem…’
4. DON’T SAY: ‘Here’s what you should do…’
DO SAY: ‘You know, if I were in your spot, I think I might (x). Do you think that might work for you?’
5. DON’T SAY: ‘LA LA LA LA LA! I-CAN’T-HEEEEEAR-YOUUUUUUU!’ (Insert index fingers into ears, close eyes and shake head.)
DO SAY: ‘You know, you’re raising an important issue, so, let’s talk about that…’
6. DON’T SAY: ‘Don’t tell me what I don’t understand!’
DO SAY: ‘You’re right. I don’t understand. Would you be willing to help me understand?’
7. DON’T SAY: ‘Man, that sucks!’
DO SAY: ‘So, what are you going to do about it?’
8. DON’T SAY: ‘I don’t want problems, only solutions!’
DO SAY: ‘Yes, that is a problem. So, how are we going to resolve it?’