1. Are you being productive or just active?
2. Are you doing it now?
3. Are you doing less and accomplishing more?
4. Are you having too many lunches?
5. Are you inventing things to do to avoid the important?
6. Are you saying ‘no’ enough?
7. Are you speaking up for a schedule that suits you?
8. Do you know how many balls you can juggle at once?
9. Do you know how much ONE hour of your time is worth?
10. Do you realize you’re the ONLY person who values your time?
11. Does this task put money in your pocket?
12. Have you used your own business schedule as an excuse to avoid confronting the problem?
13. How can I help you when I have time?
14. How can you create a ‘retreat’ in an hour?
15. How can you use tiny pockets of time to improve my pace and results?
16. How did you decide your priorities?
17. How do you decide how to spend your time?
18. How do you handle information overload?
19. How many breaks do you take during the day?
20. How many minutes per day are you on YouTube?
21. How many of your demands could be reduced if you put some energy into prioritizing, organizing and streamlining the routines that now fritter away your attention?
22. How much money do you make by watching TV?
23. How much time do you waste each day?
24. How will you know when this is off-purpose?
25. How will you know when you’re getting off track?
26. How would you like your ideal calendar to look in 5 years?
27. If this is the only thing you accomplish today, will you be happy with your day?
28. If you had a heart attack and only had to work two hours a day, what would you do?
29. If you only had two hours a day to work, what would you do?
30. Is there someplace better you could be right now?
31. Is this a prudent use of you time?
32. Is this an opportunity or an opportunity to be used?
33. Is this how you really want to spend your time?
34. Is this step necessary?
35. Is what you’re doing right now consistent with your number one goal?
36. Is what you’re doing right now leading to a sale?
37. Is what you’re doing right now the best use of your time?
38. Now athat (x) is accomplished, how will you spend your time?
39. What are the top three activities that fill your time to feel as though you’ve been productive?
40. What are you doing that doesn’t need to be done by anyone?
41. What are you doing TODAY to increase your freedom TOMORROW?
42. What are you giving up to do this?
43. What are you going to have to let go of?
44. What are you saying ‘no’ to?
45. What are you saying ‘yes’ to?
46. What are your daily patterns of energy investment?
47. What are your three biggest time wasters?
48. What did you do today that you should do less of tomorrow?
49. What didn’t you do today that you should do more of tomorrow?
50. What dumb, non-value added things are you doing each day?
51. What is the most valuable use of your time right now?
52. What is the one thing you could do NOW that will have the most impact on your success in the upcoming year?
53. What is wasted?
54. What is your #1 income producing activity?
55. What one main thing in your life needs to stay the one main thing?
56. What takes too long?
57. What three highly valuable activities did you accomplish today?
58. What’s your biggest distraction?
59. When was the last time you complained about how little time you had?
60. When was the last time you were bored?
61. Which people in your life don’t respect your time?
62. Which thought will you forget if you don’t deal with it RIGHT NOW?
63. Who are you disrespecting by multitasking?
64. Why are you rushing?
65. Will doing this matter a year from now?
66. Will I definitely use this information for something immediate and important?