1. Stop and acknowledge what is true for you at this moment.
2. Stop and listen to the voice of your true self.
3. Stop and smell the baby poop.
4. Stop being busy and start being accomplished.
5. Stop being what colleges want.
6. Stop believing people you shouldn’t even be paying attention to.
7. Stop breathing and let the universe breath through you.
8. Stop choosing to be less.
9. Stop depending on the validation of strangers and start acting on your deepest feelings.
10. Stop exposing yourself to harsh, unsolicited feedback.
11. Stop fantasizing negative futures.
12. Stop feeding beggars.
13. Stop feeding poverty mentality.
14. Stop feeding the ego monster.
15. Stop fighting after the bell has rung.
16. Stop filling yourself up with irrelevant knowledge.
17. Stop fostering a sense of entitlement.
18. Stop fostering mediocrity in others.
19. Stop getting better and start appreciating where you are.
20. Stop going on a passive strike against yourself.
21. Stop helping people and start charging them.
22. Stop hiding your big ideas.
23. Stop holding on to the problem and start listening to the answer.
24. Stop ignoring the reality of your present situation.
25. Stop investing energy in your fears and let them go.
26. Stop judging yourself and start writing yourself.
27. Stop justifying every aspect of yourself.
28. Stop kidding yourself about the things that you NEED – it’s about what you WANT.
29. Stop learning things the easy way.
30. Stop letting your ego vote.
31. Stop listing all the reasons why you should avoid taking a risk.
32. Stop living by default and start living by design.
33. Stop living someone else’s mechanical thoughts.
34. Stop maintaining relationships that are damaging to you.
35. Stop majoring in minors.
36. Stop making a vocation out of being sick.
37. Stop over thinking your life.
38. Stop playing games with yourself.
39. Stop playing small.
40. Stop promising and start doing.
41. Stop rationalizing your way out of risk.
42. Stop refueling your hopelessness.
43. Stop searching for the injustice.
44. Stop selling coasters.
45. Stop sharing your goals with negative people.
46. Stop spending time with people who don’t tell the truth reliably.
47. Stop submitting to the category and invent your own.
48. Stop talking and start walking.
49. Stop talking yourself out of things.
50. Stop trying to be what you aren’t.
51. Stop trying to rationalize yourself out of being in love.
52. Stop trying to rearrange the world.
53. Stop trying to see with your eyes.
54. Stop volunteering yourself or misery.
55. Stop waiting for it to get easier and start making yourself better.
56. Stop waiting to be.
57. Stop wasting energy protesting.
58. Stop wasting energy trying to avoid something you don’t even know.
59. Stop wasting time on relationships you’ve outgrown.
60. Stop wasting your brilliant mental effort on negativity.
61. Stop working to put money in someone else’s pockets.