1. You can’t win without taking a punch.
2. You can’t control a population of creatives.
3. You can’t control where your ideas come from.
4. You can’t cook a pizza for a shorter time at a higher temperature.
5. You can’t count on maybe.
6. You can’t delegate the quality of a relationship.
7. You can’t dry hump your way to success.
8. You can’t edit blood.
9. You can’t experience it if you’re too busy trying to frame it.
10. You can’t find your voice unless you use it.
11. You can’t fix bad in post.
12. You can’t go through your life only making good decisions.
13. You can’t just expand – you’ve got to make space.
14. You can’t keep running back home to your parents.
15. You can’t keep secrets from your body.
16. You can’t look too slick if you’re asking people for money.
17. You can’t make a name for yourself unless you also help others make a name for themselves.
18. You can’t make another person happy if they’ve already made the decision NOT to be happy.
19. You can’t manage everyone the same.
20. You can’t punish your partner without punishing yourself.
21. You can’t rationalize away reality.
22. You can’t save anybody.
23. You can’t stop the clock but at least you can still be more mindful of the numbers.
24. You can’t take credit for people enabling you.
25. You can’t think your way into understanding.
26. You can’t un-say something.
27. You can’t see what you’ve got, only what you’ve lost.
28. You can’t “use humor” like you “use hair gel.”
29. You can’t afford to be invisible.
30. You can’t afford to be one dimensional.
31. You can’t argue against a completely transformed life.
32. You can’t avoid the water but you can decide how deep you want to swim.
33. You can’t avoid what you’re becoming.
34. You can’t become too good at not dealing with the truth.
35. You can’t bother people into buying from you.