1. First, ante up.
Because you’ve got to pay yer dues.
2. First, choose roles.
Because you need a foundation.
3. First, think about the fourth sale.
Because it’s not really a sale – it’s a process. It’s a relationship.
4. First, convey personality.
Because that’s what people buy.
5. First, deliver value.
Because if you don’t, you’re nothing.
6. First, get paid.
Because nothing happens until a sale is made.
7. First, pay yourself.
Because you deserve it.
8. First, create SOMETHING.
Because it sets the stage for the rest of your day.
9. First, start writing.
Because writing is the basis of all wealth.
10. First, make a list.
Because if you don’t write it down, it never happened.
11. First, ask Google.
Because if it doesn’t exist on Google, it doesn’t exist.
12. First, discover your WHAT.
Because if you get stopped by not knowing HOW, you’ll never make any progress.
13. First, think design.
Because the medium is the message, and design is EVERYTHING.
14. First, conquer yourself.
Because that’s the toughest battle of all.
15. First, love yourself.
Because nobody else will if you don’t.
16. First, lead yourself.
Because you can’t rightly lead others until you’ve led yourself.
17. First, manage yourself.
Because you can’t rightly manage others until you’ve managed yourself.
18. First, market yourself.
Because if you don’t make a name for yourself; someone will make one FOR you.
19. First, sell yourself.
Because it’s the most important sale in the world.
20. First, develop friendships.
Because people want to do business with their friends.
21. First, do it for free.
Because the more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be.
22. First, put people.
Because people buy from people, people trust people, and people are loyal to people.
23. First, focus on THEIR agenda.
Because your agenda will only block listening.
24. First, your heart will see it.
Because your other senses are too slow.
25. First, focus on your health.
Because without it, nothing else matters.
26. First, focus on your family.
Because they’re only the people who will still love you, even when you act like a complete putz. (Trust me, I would know!)
27. First, focus on character.
Because in the end, that’s all that really matters.