1. Are you being fair to yourself by continuing this friendship?
2. Are you pressing your Off Button enough?
3. Are you saying ‘no’ enough?
4. Are you valuing your alone time?
5. Do you speak up at the slightest sense of discomfort?
6. Does this person enrich your life in any way?
7. How good are you at saying ‘no?’
8. How will you know when you’re getting off track?
9. Is this a prudent use of your time?
10. Is this an opportunity, or an opportunity to be used?
11. Is this best use of my time right now?
12. Is this person a chronic abuser of my time and attention?
13. Is this person habitually taxing?
14. Is what you’re doing right now consistent with your #1 goal?
15. Is what you’re doing right now leading to a sale?
16. Is what you’re doing right now the best use of your time?
17. What (or whom) threatens your peace?
18. What are you saying ‘no’ to?
19. What are you saying ‘yes’ to?
20. What are your three biggest time wasters?
21. What conversations are you avoiding right now?
22. What’s your biggest distraction?
23. Which people in your life don’t respect your time?