The flow of creativity is the constant.
Only feelings of the creator are the variable.
And if you seek to consistently generate compelling messages and work on a prolific scale as a communicator, you need better constants.
Muscles to count on, places to return to, rituals to abide by, people to confide in, rocks to anchor to, practices to rely on, structures to lean against, these routines become the repertoire of faithful forces to keep your creative life stable and fruitful when circumstances get a little too overwhelming.
Take vomiting, for example.
Developing some kind of gasket where you can purge everything that happens to you. Creating a daily ritual of emotional release where you can metabolize your experiences and make serious mental headway into your ideas.
Because when things in your head and heart begin to make their voice known, louder and louder, insisting that you give them attention, you have to recognize that as the moment of conception, you have to train yourself to respond by thinking, oh man, something badly wants to be built here, and you have to open your heart to what wants to be born, follow that vibe and see where it takes you.
What are your constants?