The other day my client from Disney Destinations remarked, “I can’t believe there’s only one of you!”
Technically, he’s right. As a freelancer, my enterprise solely consists of me, slogging it out, every day, until the work is done. But that doesn’t mean the work goes unassisted. When you hire yourself, you build a portable sales force. People and resources to help to make it rain when you’re not around.
Here’s an overview of mine:
There’s my clients, whose condition I try to improve every time we work together. That way, they won’t keep me a secret. There’s my audience, whom I try to inspire every time they consume my work. That way, they’ll come back again and again. There’s my suppliers, whom I try to be easy to interact with every time we do a new project together. That way, they won’t shy away from showcasing me in their portfolios. There’s my content, which I publish every day with substantial volume, value, velocity and vitality. That way, my daily gifts to the world contribute to an ongoing body of work.
There’s my competitors, whom I try to speak respectfully of every time we’re up against each other. That way, they won’t mind referring me if they don’t fit the bill. There’s my colleagues, whom I try to share resources with every time we’re brainstorming together. That way, they won’t hesitate to extend same generosity when I ask for help. There’s my editors, whom I try to make look like heroes every time they run my stuff. That way, they wont forget about me for future issues. There’s my collaborators, whom I try to be accountable to every time we work together. That way, they won’t leave out my name when others are searching for partners.
This is my portable sales force. It’s engine of my enterprise, the secret of my success and the reason I rarely make cold calls.
Thank god.
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your portable sales force?
LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “22 Unexpected Ways to Help People,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Writing, Publishing, Performing, Consulting [email protected]
My job is to help companies make their mission more than a statement, using limited edition social artifacts.
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