People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy who you are.
They buy who you aren’t.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: Are you disclosing what matters?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy what you stand for.
They buy why you stand for it.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: Who knows your mission by heart?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the posture of your spirit.
They buy the intention of your heart.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: Are you willing to be touchy feely?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the process you endured to make it.
They buy the resistance you overcame to ship it.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: How are you making the invisible inescapable?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the experience of interacting with you.
They buy the experience of themselves around you.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: How do you leave people?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the mythology you create around what you sell.
They buy the humble beginnings that first ignited your work.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: Are people aware of the emotional labor you’ve invested?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the story you tell that taps into their existing worldview.
They buy the meaning they create for themselves in response to that story.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: Is your legend worth crossing the street for?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the future reactions from others who see them using your product.
They buy the elevated status they receive from those reactions.
LET ME ASK YA THIS: How much cooler are you making people?
People don’t just buy what you sell.
They buy the belief that you will deliver on your promise to solve their problem.
They buy the faith that if their problem isn’t solved, you’ll work tirelessly until it is.
What are your people really buying?
For a list called, “62 Types of Questions and Why They Work” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Publisher, Artist, Mentor
[email protected]
“I usually refuse to pay for mentoring. But after Scott’s first brain rental session, the fact that I had paid something to be working with him left my mind – as far as I was concerned, the value of that (and subsequent) exchange of wisdom and knowledge, far outweighed any payment.”
–Gilly Johnson The Australian Mentoring Center
Rent Scott’s Brain today!