“Everyone should wear nametags, all the time, everywhere, forever.”
That’s my thesis, philosophy, dangerous idea and theory of the universe.
My name is Scott, and I’ve been wearing a nametag for past four thousand days.
And after traveling to hundreds of cities, a dozen countries, four continents, meeting tens of thousands of people, constant experimentation and observation, building a enterprise and writing a dozen books in the process, I believe, with all my heart, that the societal implications of wearing nametags could change everything.
This is my manifesto:
8. The End of Disengagement
If everybody wears nametags, we build social capital. Nametags contribute to our reserve of personal bonds and fellowship. They nurture connectedness and increase the supply of social opportunities. And because social capital is built through the hundreds of little actions we take every day, every encounter we have builds trust just a little more.
That’s how reciprocity forms. We build a sense of community. Life is richer because we share it with each other. And the casual interactions – upon which thriving communities and neighborhoods used to be based – are back in full swing.
By reducing neighborly distance, we nurture connectedness and make people our primary source of entertainment and support. And in those moments when we need to fight, battle through illness or recover from loss, we can withdraw from the social capital account we’ve been building through each of these interaction.
If everybody wears nametags, no more isolation, no more back fences and no more separateness.
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You can read The Nametag Manifesto, in full, for free, right now, here.
What’s your manifesto?
For the list called, “10 Ways to Help Your Customers Know You,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Publisher, Artist, Mentor
[email protected]
Now booking for 2012!
Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!