Congratulations! You got the job interview.
So, now that you bought a new suit, got a fancy haircut, did all your homework, read all the career books, practiced answering interview questions and recited enough positive affirmations to make Anthony Robbins cringe, there’s only ONE thing left to remember:
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
Let me repeat that. You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
Instead, here’s why you are there:
You’re there to articulate your fabulousness.
You’re there to deliver an impeccable performance.
You’re there to blow everyone else out of the water.
You’re there to guarantee that nobody forgets you were there.
You’re there to make enough of a mark that people can’t leave you out.
You’re there to help morsels of your credibility expand in people’s heads.
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
You’re there to advance your agenda and get what you came for.
You’re there to advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.
You’re there to tell people what they need to hear to fall in love with you.
You’re there to THINK, SAY, DO and BE the polar opposite of what everyone is expecting.
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
You’re there to make YES the easy option.
You’re there to teach these people how to trust you.
You’re there to create an aura that makes you more desirable.
You’re there to relentlessly pursue the visions that possess you.
You’re there to bring all of who you are to the statement you make about the world.
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
You’re there to be seen as a problem solver.
You’re there to start positive rumors about yourself.
You’re there to let The Best have a real chance at you.
You’re there to create a compelling, credible composite of your character.
You’re there to make it impossible for people to escape your awesomeness.
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
You’re there to increase the probability of getting a hire by becoming more listenable, more employable, more hireable, more noticeable, more non-checkoffable, more promotable, more quotable, more spreadable, more uncategorizable and more unforgettable.
Ultiamtely, you’re there to do the ONE THING you know how to do better than anyone else on the planet: Be yourself.
You’re NOT there to answer their questions.
Good luck.
Email me when you land the job.
Why are you interviewing?
For the list called, “40 Questions Every Unemployed Professional Needs to Ask,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Never the same speech twice.
Always about approachability.
Watch The Nametag Guy in action