For several years, I made a small career out of going to seminars, attending week-long conferences, schmoozing at networking events, disappearing on spiritual retreats, reading every book on the shelves, studying personal development programs and brainstorming at mastermind sessions.
Which was inspiring and educational, but it was also expensive, time consuming and not especially profitable.
Eventually, I had to get very honest with myself.
Am I actually creating work that matters, or just distracting myself from what’s really important? Am I spending my time wisely, or am I just inventing things to do to preserve the illusion of productivity? Am I actually growing my business, or just satisfying my bottomless need for validation and approval? Am I actually delivering value to others, or just sitting in a corner trying to perfect myself? Am I actually connecting with my peers, or just playing dress up for the wrong audience? Am I actually part of a community, or just feeding into another ballwashing circlejerk of mutual glorification?
So I stopped.
Not completely. I still attend events here and there. I still learn everyday. And I still show up where it counts.
But at this point, I’d rather create than consume.
And what’s fascinating is, when I make creation my dominant act, I do learn. I do grow my business. I do deliver value to others. I do connect with my peers. I do feel part of a community. I do make meaning. And I do make money.
Sure beats spending a week at some hotel in Phoenix trying to prove myself to people I don’t even like.
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What have you declined this week?
LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “21 Things I Learned While Spying on Myself,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Writing, Publishing, Performing, Consulting [email protected]
My job is to help companies make their mission more than a statement, using limited edition social artifacts.
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