Sentences are my spiritual currency.
Throughout my week, I’m constantly scouring and learning and reading and annotating from any number of newspapers, blogs, online publications, books, articles, songs, art pieces, podcasts, eavesdroppings, random conversations and other sources of inspiration.
Turns out, most of these sentences can be organized into about eleven different categories, aka, compartments of life that are meaningful to me. And since I enjoy being a signal tower of things that are interesting, I figured, why not share them on a regular basis?
In the spirit of “learning in public,” I’ve decided to publish a weekly digest of my top findings, along with their respective links or reference points. Sentence junkies of the world unite!
Creativity, Innovation & Art
A work is not achieved by creating a hermetic space sealed off from the world, but nel mezzo, in the middle of everything,” from The Three Marriages.
Culture, Humanity & Society
“You couldn’t get laundry detergent, but you could get your brain washed,” from The Museum of Communism.
Identity, Self & Soul
“People like the idea of believing in something and like to think of themselves as the type of people who hold that belief,” from a book on reverse evangelism.
Lyrics, Poetry & Passages
“You’re grabbing a bucket when you should be grabbing a bathing suit,” from Gangster Squad.
Meaning, Mystery & Being
“Do you have an articulate philosophy of life that locates your being in the larger universe?” from Flourishing.
Media, Technology & Design
“We love finding unexpected ways to help good information travel,” from Gaping Void.
Nature, Health & Science
“Scientists often invent words to fill the holes in their understanding, these words are meant as conveniences until real understanding can be found,” from God’s Debris.
People, Relationships & Love “We can’t find love by searching for it, it comes to us unbidden, when we give it to others,” from Daily Om.
Psychology, Thinking & Feeling
“When you share a goal publicly, your brain enjoys the sharing in the same way it enjoys the achievement itself, and you’ve lost some of your motivation,” from Donald Miller.
Success, Life & Career“Nobody gives you shit. Anything you want in this life, you build it,” from Runner Runner.
Work, Business & Organizations“We’re left paying for a cold corpse that used to be a welcome experience,” from The Death of Customer Service.
See you next week!