Consider these three facts:
1. People buy people first.
2. People like (and want) to do business with their friends.
3. People aren’t loyal to companies, they’re loyal to people.
So … doesn’t it just make sense to, like, make friends with everybody?
I dunno. Maybe it’s just me.
That’s why I don’t believe in networking.
Networking, schmetworking. The last time that word carried any meaning was in 1997.
The world is tired of it. It’s overused, cliché and slightly annoying. Not to mention it often conjures up negative images like:
1. Dealing the deck of business cards to everyone in sight
2. One-sided conversations based on how others can help you.
3. Superficial conversations with little or no value offered to the other person.
Stop networking and start making friends.
Everywhere you go, with everyone you meet. For no reason other than to make friends. Zero motive conversations.
Then work hard to keep those relationships alive.
That’s it.