When you’re willing to put it all on the line for something. That’s when you’re ready.
When you find yourself constantly asking yourself, “What the hell am I still doing here?” That’s when you’re ready.
When a stagnant existence in the throws of mediocrity no longer fulfills you. That’s when you’re ready.
When you’ve worked so long and hard on something that you actually become sick of that thing. That’s when you’re ready.
When you’ve built a strong enough foundation of inner resources to support you when YOUR economy inevitably starts to crumble. That’s when you’re ready.
When people start to recognize you at airports in other cities. That’s when you’re ready.
When you’ve built a platform that’s strong enough and following that’s large enough. That’s when you’re ready.
When the message you’ve been preaching starts to become the dominant reality of your life. That’s when you’re ready.
When you have no idea WHAT the hell you’re doing (or HOW you’re going to do it) – but know WHY you’re going to do it. That’s when you’re ready.
When three (or more) moments of synchronicity occur within a short period of time. That’s when you’re ready.
When you can’t possibly imagine spending another 14-hour day sitting alone in that goddamn cubicle. That’s when you’re ready.
When you no longer have to ask Google if you’re ready. That’s when you’re ready.
When you spend more time thinking about what it would be like if you owned your own company rather than how you benefit your current company. That’s when you’re ready.
When you’re willing to make yourself uncomfortable and dramatically reprioritize your life. That’s when you’re ready.
When you realize that whether or not you’re “ready” is irrelevant. That’s when you’re ready.
Are you ready?
For the list called, “54 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Check out Scott’s Online Quotation Database for a bite-sized education on branding success!