That’s the sound of a refreshing start to a new year.
Took a week off to relax so I could accomplish NOTHING. I feel great. Hope you do too.
Still, it’s great to be back .Just wanted to list a few announcements for some cool upcoming stuff:
1. Podcast. I did a fun, informative interview about creativity with Jim Kukral from Blend This Book. Jim’s a totally cool, smart dude. He’s got some great Internet marketing ideas for entrepreneurs and small biz folks.
2. PaisleyPlanet/PaisleyBlog. My dog finally got her website and blog up and running. I hounded her (no pun intended) for a long time, and although her busy schedule of sleeping, eating and wiggling was a bit interrupted, she finally came through.
3. Television. My friend David Siteman Garland of The Rise to the Top interviewed me for his latest episode, airing locally in St. Louis Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 AM CST on KDNL-ABC30. Also available online, video coming soon.
Also, here’s a few things to look for in 2009 from me…
*Stick Yourself Out There: My first hardcover book yet!
*Grow Bigger Ears: My first in a series of programs about listening.
*NametagTV Premium: My new subscription channel entrepreneurs who are serious about sticking themselves out there.
It’s gonna be a great year!
What three things will you do differently this year?
For the list called, “37 Things NOT to Do This Year,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Never the same speech twice.
Always about sticking yourself out there.
Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!