Storytelling isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
And you can buy all the books, read all the articles, go to all the seminars, take all the classes and hire all the coaches, but unless you tell a story that people enjoy believing, none of that matters.
People enjoy believing a story that validates their worldview, makes them feel powerful and frees them from something.
People enjoy believing a story in which they recognize themselves and that expresses what they can’t do, think, say, find and feel on their own.
People enjoy believing a story that serves a purpose, stands as a truthful metaphor for life and gives them hope about what they can be.
People enjoy believing a story that offers evidence of what they doubt and makes them proud to take the first step.
People enjoy believing a story that gives them the power to march forward and convinces them that their life is worth living.
People enjoy believing a story that lets them unconsciously process their own life, put their own nature into accord discover the journey they’re on.
People enjoy believing a story that they can lose themselves in, superimpose their own meaning onto and spread to the people they care about.
People enjoy believing a story that sucks them in, takes them to a place they don’t want to leave and makes them a necessary part of the narrative.
Before you start telling yours, make sure it’s enjoyable to believe.
Otherwise the story is nothing more than another annoying interruption.