Physics isn’t about the solution.
It’s about approaching the problem in a sound, positive, intelligent and systematic way so that the solution presents itself.
Interestingly, the same could be said for business.
It’s not about selling a product, it’s about approaching an industry in an entirely new way so that the product sells itself.
Woolley, a law firm in Stradford, conducts most of their correspondence online by calling attorneys based in different parts of the country.
Aced, an online gambling community, has secret features, bonus codes and free invitations to live poker junkets embedded into their table designs.
Zack Borer, a singer and songwriter, released a new digital single every month throughout the year, leading up to the release of his new record.
Nature Works, a textile material company, holds annual roundtable discussions to involve all levels of their supply chain in the conversation.
These people aren’t exactly changing the world, but at least they have the guts to speak out against the system try something innovative.
That’s way more interesting than marching in lockstep with the culture.
And isn’t that what physics is all about?
Did you hear that I’m working at POKE New York? We’re an innovation and design studio. We solve interesting problems through unconventional wisdom, relentless collaboration and outright invention. And I’m working in the creative strategy department.
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@nametagscott // [email protected] // 314.374.3397