1. Are you making war on the competition or making love to the customer?
2. Are you mistaking activity for value?
3. Are you much of a rockstar off stage?
4. Are you obtaining feedback from people who are more successful than you?
5. Are you offering too much?
6. Are you passionately incompetent?
7. Are you playing NOT to lose, or are you playing to win?
8. Are you pressing the off button enough?
9. Are you productive or just active?
10. Are you putting your fees in perspective for your clients?
11. Are you seeking influence or affluence?
12. Are you spending time with clients who are going to become a bad commercial for your business?
13. Are you still a well-kept-secret?
14. Are you still adding value others can’t?
15. Are you still trying to get somewhere?
16. Are you submersed or immersed?
17. Are you swallowing the hype of the moment?
18. Are you talking to a person who can buy your services?
19. Are you the arrow or the bullseye?
20. Are you the internist or the pharmacist?
21. Are you the one with the most information?
22. Are you tooting or blowing your own horn?
23. Are you typecasting yourself?
24. Are you valuing your alone time?
25. Are you wasting corporate assets on things NO customer is asking for?
26. Are you wasting your passion on people who don’t appreciate or deserve it?
27. Are you watching people who are the best in your industry do what they do in action?
28. Are you willing or able to give up control of your company in exchange for being able to grow and expand it more quickly?
29. Are you willing to build, no matter what?
30. Are you willing to plunge forward plan-less?
31. Are you winning?
32. Are you working IN your business or ON your business?
33. Are you working too hard to make your clients successful?
34. Are your average projects getting bigger in size and revenue?
35. Are your fendships, relationships, and your emotional life suffeng as a result?
36. Are your products timely or timeless?
37. Assuming that technology and finances posed no constraints, what would you change ght now about your business processes and operations?
38. At what point are you working on making a living vs. building a career/company?
39. Can people buy your stuff from other smart people?
40. Can people use your platform to grow their own business?
41. Can you build from this level?
42. Could you make a collectible version of your product?
43. Did you ever incur a personal cost to stand by your values?
44. Did you pay yourself first?
45. Did you really just trade this day for what you want?
46. Do you deliver insight or expertise?
47. Do you have a client?
48. Do you have the courage to turn away business?
49. Do you have the guts to walk away, or do you sell out?
50. Do you know how to acquire new business?
51. Do you know how to introduce a product with NO budget?
52. Do you offer meaningful uniqueness?
53. Do you possess know-how or know-when?
54. Do you provide wisdom or knowledge?
55. Do you really have the confidence to tell paying customers that you are not ght for them?
56. Do you really know how to run a bakery, or do you just like to cook because people keeping telling you they enjoy your cupcakes?
57. Do you take big steps or baby steps?
58. Do you understand your client’s visions of excellence?
59. Do you want to be a boutique or a mega-mart?
60. Does everything you do lead to something else you do?
61. Does this client represent an organization you would hate to lose?
62. Does this client represent long-term business potential?
63. Does this client serve as a reference or exemplar for other clients?
64. Does this new assignment, project or client allow you to command higher fees than before?
65. Does this new assignment, project or client allow you to learn new skills?
66. Does this new assignment, project or client enable you to leverage more than in the past?
67. Does this new assignment, project or client expose you an important future opportunity?
68. Does this new assignment, project or client increase (not just sustain) an existing relationship?
69. Does this new assignment, project or client lead to future work with the same organization?
70. Does this new assignment, project or client lead you into a new industry?
71. Does your present work let you grow in new directions?
72. From observation of the past what do I perceive as probable in the future?
73. Have you decided what kind of company you’re going to be?
74. Have you identified and valued your TRUE expertise and inventoed your negotiable personal assets?
75. Have you misrepresenting your expertise in a rush to get to the client?
76. Have you taken the time to figure out which types of clients you like?
77. How and when have you made it hard for customers to do business with you?
78. How are you adapting to the new volume of options?
79. How are you commoditizing yourself?
80. How are you creating a culture of growth expectance?
81. How are you fighting your profession’s image?
82. How are you going to measure your own performances?
83. How are you increasing your earning ability?
84. How are you increasing your intellectual assets?
85. How are you keeping yourself current?
86. How are you making money while you sleep?
87. How are you making sure that everything you do is leading to something else you do?
88. How are you mining the information you have?
89. How are you researching specific ways to add value to your customers?
90. How are you taking your customers behind the scenes?
91. How are you taking your customers to new places?
92. How are you using your clients as referral spngboards?
93. How are your clients competing with you?
94. How are your customers adapting to the new volume of options?
95. How big can the network atop your platform grow?
96. How big can you get before you get bad?
97. How big do you need to be?
98. How can I change the way I am currently doing this in order to affect more people and in less time?
99. How can I develop promises around what I do that serves the fear of the corporate world?