1. How do you refuel?
2. How do you validate your existence?
3. How would you describe your ideal day?
4. If everybody did exactly what you said, what would the world look like?
5. If you could do just one thing all day long and get paid well for doing it, what would you do?
6. If you could only give one speech, for one hour, for one million people, what ONE WORD would that speech be about?
7. If you could only have one section of the bookstore to visit, which section would it be?
8. If you could only subscribe to ONE publication for the rest of your life, what would it be?
9. If you could only work 2 days a week, what would you do?
10. If you could only work 2 hours a week, what would you do?
11. If you could take a sabbatical for one year, where would you go and what would you do?
12. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do all day long?
13. If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
14. In what areas of your life are you most intuitive?
15. What ‘does it’ for you?
16. What activity always makes you lose track of time?
17. What activity gives you the most energy?
18. What are some things you (don’t) believe in?
19. What are three things that you ‘just do,’ every day?
20. What are you building?
21. What are you most disciplined at?
22. What are you passionate about?
23. What attracts you?
24. What brings you to life?
25. What could you talk about forever?
26. What things are you able to do, without even trying?
27. What do you like to do, just for the fun of it?
28. What do you like to do, simply because you CAN?
29. What do you love about your job?
30. What do you love learning about?
31. What do you love to do that (you can’t believe) people actually pay you money to do?
32. What do you love to talk about?
33. What do you most enjoy making?
34. What do you still want to do in your career?
35. What do you try without being forced?
36. What do you want to be when you grow up?
37. What fires you up?
38. What have you always found to be easy?
39. What inspires you?
40. What is the one thing that people couldn’t pay you NOT to do?
41. What is the origin of your most creative work?
42. What is the purpose of what you do?
43. What is your central attraction?
44. What keeps you busy when you’re not working?
45. What lifelong interests continue to fascinate you?
46. What makes you feel alive?
47. What makes you unafraid of failure?
48. What moves you the most?
49. What ONE THING do you do great?
50. What pictures do you most frequently show to people you’ve just met?
51. What puts a smile on your face?
52. What questions do you look forward to be asked?
53. What silently controls all your actions?
54. What sparks your creativity?
55. What were you born to do?
56. What words DO NOT exist in your vocabulary?
57. What would a balanced lifestyle include for you?
58. What would you do for free?
59. What would you protest publicly?
60. What would you regret not having tried?
61. What’s in you wallet?
62. What’s something that’s SO typical of you?
63. What’s something you would describe as ‘SO you’?
64. What’s your favorite decoration in your office?
65. What’s your good luck charm?
66. What’s the overarching priority in your life?
67. When did you last feel a sense of being called?
68. When have you felt balance and harmonious?
69. When you don’t know what to do, what do you find yourself doing to find your way?
70. When you meet new people, what’s the first thing you want to know about them?
71. When you pick up a newspaper or magazine, what kind of news stories are you drawn to first?
72. When you were seven years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
73. Where and when are you an automatic NO or YES?
74. Where can you go that helps you relax best?
75. Which catalogs do you have a really hard time letting go of?
76. Which of your goals do you want most?
77. Who are some of the people you admire?
78. Who are you important to?
79. Who do you envy and why?
80. Who pissed you off?
81. Who renews your hope, drive and vision of possibilities?
82. Whom (or what) are you pouring your life into?
83. Whom are you teaching?
84. Who’s life would you love to have?
85. Why do you admire the people you admire?
86. You, yourself, are at your best when you’re acting HOW?