1. Are you giving people permission to talk to you? Ah, yes. Approachability at its finest. Wear more sandwich boards.
2. How many people did you give your business card to today? Not enough. And maybe if your card weren’t a piece of crap, you’d be more inclined to share it. Redesign your card.
3. How are you giving yourself away? Every single day. Find a way to give yourself away. In fact, there’s a great book on this subject called ‘Give Yourself Away.’ But it now.
4. Do you give tours of your organization to outside groups? Why not? I thought you were a rock star. Invite people in.
5. Are you giving away enough stuff for free? The more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be. Start a blog.
6. Did you give a referral today? If so, you’re 87.34% more likely to GET a referral next week. Giving breeds getting.
7. How could your product give more status? That’s one of the (many) questions your customers are asking. Inflate their egos.
8. To whom do you want to give an opportunity for growth? Maybe your spouse. Maybe your staff. Maybe your customers. Maybe your SELF. Make growth required.