1. Can you explain it in less than 10 seconds?
2. Can you explain it in less than 10 words?
3. Can you explain it on the back of a business card?
4. Can you sing it?
5. Does it actually have substance?
6. Does it cause people to react or respond in SOME way?
7. Does it contain multiple dimensions that set you up for future brand expansion?
8. Does it convey something you want potential customers to remember or feel?
9. Does it convey your uniqueness?
10. Does it create a Point of Dissonance?
11. Does it create a riddle that takes too long for impatient customers to solve?
12. Does it create an umbrella under which all future ideas will reside?
13. Does it effectively convey a company’s key characteristics to a variety of audiences?
14. Does it evoke a positive image IMMEDIATELY?
15. Does it give way to layers of meaning if you take the time to peel its onion?
16. Does it have wheels?
17. Does it instill the brand’s promise?
18. Does it lodge into people’s minds?
19. Does it oddly or ironically juxtapose words?
20. Does it provide a snapshot of your business?
21. Does it use strong, unexpected and uncommon words or phrases?
22. Does the tone and language should tempt, rouse, or intrigue your intended audience?
23. How afraid are you that people are going to steal it?
24. How easily could one of your competitors use it?
25. How easily could you defend it?
26. How easy is it to remember?
27. How easy is it to repeat?
28. How focused is it?
29. How much do you need to explain it?
30. How much texture does it have?
31. How remarkable is it?
32. How unconfusable is it?
33. How well does it communicate your brand value to the world?
34. If someone was walking past her coworker’s cubicle and noticed your website on their screen, would she stop in their tracks and say, ‘Hey, cool! What website is THAT?’
35. If you explained it to a five year old, would he understand it?
36. Is it a mini-vision statement?
37. Is it a natural byproduct of your focused business?
38. Is it believable an ownable?
39. Is it catchy, but not corny?
40. Is it clear, yet curious?
41. Is it cool, but not contrived?
42. Is it emotional, yet engaging?
43. Is it hollow and frivolous?
44. Is it informative, yet incomplete?
45. Is it inherently competitive?
46. Is it instantly forgettable?
47. Is it intrinsically locked into the name of the brand?
48. Is it musical and rhythmic?
49. Is it NOT time sensitive?
50. Is it philosophical, yet pragmatic?
51. Is it picture worthy?
52. Is it playful, yet professional?
53. Is it provocative?
54. Is it quirky, but not questionable?
55. Is it relevant, worthwhile and marketable?
56. Is it self-evident?
57. Is it self-perpetuating?
58. Is it sequel-worthy?
59. Is it simple, yet profound?
60. Is it smart, but not clever?
61. Is it SO good, you assume it’s already taken?
62. Is it too busy?
63. Is it too complicated?
64. Is it too safe and uninteresting?
65. Is it unusual, yet unarguable?
66. Is your brand mug, bumper sticker or t-shirt worthy?
67. What would the cynic say about it?
68. What would the fool say about it?
69. When you make purchases with your company card, does the cashier ask a question about the name of it?
70. When you share it with people, do they ‘get it’ right away?
71. Will it disrupt industry standards?
72. Will the media eat it up?
73. Would other people in your industry say, ‘Damn, I wish I’d thought of that…’?
74. Would other people in your industry want to steal it?