1. As a result of exposing themselves to your content, what do you want people to DO, THINK or FEEL differently?
2. How, specifically, will people profit from this experience?
3. How can you prove the practicality of this idea through demonstrating or dissecting?
4. How does this idea directly affect their world, right now?
5. How does this idea directly affect the daily lives of people?
6. How does this story apply cross-industrially, and what universal emotions or experiences could you extract?
7. How does your content help people obtain more money, sex and happiness?
8. How will people be able to execute your strategy in spite of their boss’s insistence on doing it the old way?
9. How will this help people win?
10. If someone else were delivering this information, what would move ME to take action immediately?
11. In what kind of future situations will your audience these learnings?
12. In what other, unrelated areas of people’s lives can they apply the lessons of your experience?
13. Next time people attend an event, what three things will they now do differently as a result of reading your material today?
14. Now that people know this, what are the first three steps?
15. What actions can people take to eliminate or minimize barriers to their boldness of moving forward?
16. What are the first things people will need to learn in order to get started?
17. What are the reasons, barriers, fears, assumptions and blocks that are preventing these people from taking action, and how could you address them in a way that dispels the myth and gives them confidence to move NOW?
18. What assignment can you give people that, when they’ve completed it, they will be ready to move forward
19. What can people do about this TODAY?
20. What can you tell people to do in the first half of the day to demonstrate focus and unstoppable action?
21. What checklist could you give people to keep them accountable and consistent in the future?
22. What common behaviors, warning signs, mistakes or missteps could you make people aware of so that, in the future, they could better recognize and avoid them?
23. What common reality will people recognize when they’re exposed to your content, and how will you make it easier for them to approach it in the future?
24. What conversations could you encourage people to hold that they WOULDN’T have had prior to reading your stuff?
25. What could people WRITE to make this happen quicker?
26. What could you say, do or show that would make people think, ‘This doesn’t look that hard!’
27. What specific action do people have to take to make this idea a reality right away?
28. What equation, algorithm, formula or system could you give people that they could easily plug themselves, their situation or their company into?
29. What exercise can you give for people to do right now, or when they’re done reading or listening?
30. What experiment can you challenge people to run in the next thirty days that will prove the efficacy of your idea?
31. What five venues could people practice this at?
32. What future challenge will your ideas help people face more effectively?
33. What immediate change can people easily make TODAY?
34. What inner work needs to be done before they move forward on this strategy?
35. What is a simple (daily, weekly, monthly, annual, spontaneous) routine that you could you teach people to do that would reinforce your content?
36. What is the family of questions they need to ask themselves before going any further?
37. What jumpstart action items need to be taken in order to build momentum?
38. What lifeline could I give people in order to prevent them from thinking, ‘Oh, well, I’ll never be able to execute that, not at HIS level’?
39. What person meaning could you hook this moment to that might create some movement?
40. What preparatory measures, rituals or practices could you teach people that, prior to doing something hard in the future, they could execute to calm their nerves and enable greater success?
41. What specific phrases do you want people to either add to or delete from lexicon?
42. What specific questions do you want people to either add to or delete from their arsenal?
43. What specific words do you want people to either add to or delete from vocabulary?
44. What specific, implementable call to action could you give people, right now?
45. What sticky notes could people create to get them started ON, or keep them accountable FOR this idea?
46. What tangible item or list could you challenge people to create, and then email or physically mail to you?
47. What three (incredibly) easy changes people could make in the next week that would change their lives forever?
48. What three practical lessons can you audience or readers learn from this story?
49. What three resources will help people get started with this today?
50. What three things could people google to get their hamster wheels moving?
51. What truth-based nuggets could you punch people in the face with that are so insightful that they simply HAVE to (1) write them down, and (2) share them with others?
52. What types of actions would you like people to engage in that they’re not currently doing?
53. What universal human experience will people identify when they’re exposed to your content, and how will you make it easier for them to deal with it in the future?
54. What valued-added bonus will you ask people to email or call you for at the end of this module?
55. What venues could you encourage people to experiment with that would expose them to constant practice of this idea?
56. What would initiate the momentum sequence?
57. What’s the next learning phase?
58. When you hang up the phone, what will your next immediate action be?
59. When you leave this room, what will your next immediate action be?
60. When your readers, listeners or audience members get back to their office or return to work, what is the VERY FIRST thing you want them to do, even before checking email?
61. Where are people most ‘stuck,’ and what can you say that will return them to action?
62. Where do most people get stuck with this concept, and how could you address and help unstick that?
63. Which four small actions will best prepare you for a great action blitz tomorrow?