1. Are you a model of courageous questioning?
2. Are you asking questions you don’t know the answer to?
3. Are you asking the same questions as your competition?
4. Are you seeking answers or questions?
5. Are you trying to ask the right questions or to ask questions right?
6. Are you willing to ask a question that will expose your ignorance?
7. Do you have a list of questions you need to ask?
8. Do you have the time and energy to really listen to the answers to your questions?
9. Do you keep a supply of questions with you at all times?
10. Do you use questions to get ahead?
11. Does this question have the potential to initiate a breakthrough discussion?
12. Exactly what do you want to do with this question?
13. How are you creating a question-friendly atmosphere?
14. How can you focus your questions on the right information at the right time?
15. How can you phrase this question to everyone’s advantage?
16. How do you define the atmosphere needed to ask your questions successfully?
17. How many dangerous questions did you ask today?
18. How many dumb questions did you ask today?
19. How many questions did you ask yesterday?
20. How many questions have you invented?
21. How much difficultly will people have in answering this question?
22. How well do you time your questions?
23. How would you improve your question asking?
24. What are the best possible questions you could ask this person?
25. What are the dominant questions of your life?
26. What are the questions you (still) can’t believe your customers actually asked you?
27. What are you constantly questioning?
28. What are you questioning?
29. What are your burning questions?
30. What are your questions of clarity?
31. What is the atmosphere needed to ask your questions successfully?
32. What is the most important question you will ask?
33. What is the question that if you had the answer to, you would be set free?
34. What is your questioning quota?
35. What might be some sub-topics of this question?
36. What question did I not ask that you hoped I would ask?
37. What question needs to be asked so you can move forward?
38. What question(s) could you ask to bring out what’s not being said?
39. What question(s) could you ask to develop common ground?
40. What questions are still unanswered?
41. What questions are your customers afraid to ask you?
42. What questions are your employees afraid to ask you?
43. What questions aren’t being asked because of the walls of denial?
44. What questions do you have?
45. What questions do you need to minimize?
46. What questions generated the most useful responses?
47. What questions is this person asking with his body?
48. What questions must you have answered by the time the meeting is over?
49. What top three questions do your customers ask you?
50. What will you say if the customers asks a question you can’t answer?
51. What words govern your questions?
52. What’s the next question that wants to be asked?
53. When is the appropriate time to ask this question?
54. When was the last time you asked specific questions to see exactly what your client wanted?
55. When was the last time you make a list of 100 questions?
56. Where do you want to take this person with your question?
57. Who else should be asking this question?
58. Who taught you to ask questions?