1. Out ANSWER your competitors. Customize every conversation. Make mundane memorable. Roboticism doesn’t work. Questions are bridges. Practice positive ignorance.
2. Out ATTRACT your competitors. Attract; don’t look. Attract; don’t seek. Ask for more. Think WOM first. Brainstorm ideal situations. Fanagement builds wealth.
3. Out BLOG your competitors. Integrity never disappoints. Be less anonymous. Make the time. Garner greater response. Blogging is smart. More content wins. RSS is gold .Blog more often.
4. Out BUILD your competitors. Dig before thirsty. Wealth, not money. Results, not deliverables. Be a rockstar. Get their email. Go with growth. Be building something. Build new things.
5. Out BRAND your competitors. Lead with honesty. Wow customers immediately. Start a movement. Stale brands tank. People like gifts. Brainpower, not walletpower. Serving is ruling. Echo, not origin. Consistency is king. Grow bigger ears. Choice always exists. Different is dangerous. Hit every touchpoint. Your voicemail sucks. Be the only. Prove you’re good. Google yourself now. Anonymity is stupidity. Be the ONLY. Anonymity is bankruptcy. Average is dangerous. Average is worthless. Pick a lane. Own a niche. Seek red carpets. One word equity.
6. Out CALL your competitors. Triple activity level. Start an ezine. Call back quicker. Salespeople aren’t liked. Make people STOP. That’ll learn ya.
7. Out COMMIT your competitors. Commitment requires reinforcement. Self-questioning really works. Always ask first. Get up earlier. Commitment breeds commitment. They’re not friends.
8. Out CREATE your competitors. Be a kid. Don’t prostitute art. Creativity is YOURS. Creativity earns money. Creativity changes lives. Creativity wins customers. Everybody is creative. Process, not product. Creativity requires practice. Get smarter today. How DARE you. Listening, then combining. Creativity isn’t optional. Read some more. Stop watching TV. Customers like fire.
9. Out EXPERT your competitors. Go to Borders. Get known NOW. Be more diverse. Maybe try writing? Uncross their arms. Read more books. Take your pick. Write more articles. Experts charge more.
10. Out GIVE your competitors. Wear more sandwich boards. Redesign your card. But it now. Invite people in. Start a blog. Giving breeds getting. Inflate their egos. Make growth required.
11. Out GOOGLE your competitors. The Internet’s forever. Do you exist? Be more googleicious. Get Google Alerts Stop reading. Google. Hooray for Google! Google everything first. Maybe try writing?
12. Out GROW your competitors. Self-duplication wins. Growth AIN’T optional. Equity, not money. Think 14th sale. Streeeeeeeeeetching builds muscle. Recognize movement value. Add value daily. Drawing boards ahead! Emphasize grow-related experiments. Upgrade something today. Start planning early. Affirm to attract. Anticipate the future. Diversity is equity. What IS next? Never go away. Newness is attractive. Grow a pair.
13. Out HELP your competitors. Think helping first. People LOVE that. Enable others’ successes. Monopolize the listening. Free is key. Help people learn.
14. Out KNOW your competitors. Do this weekly. Make knowledge wisdom. Know thy enemy. Get smarter now. Be like Yoda. Smarter wins sales. Be Sponge Bob. Exponential increase knowing. Feed your brain. Take your pick. People will notice. Just know more. Lead with value.
15. Out LEARN your competitors. Learn from strangers. Learn anytime, anyplace. Learning takes courage. Chronically enhance learning. Suffering enables growth. Admit to ignorance. Harvest the learning. Losers are teachers. Ensure effective learning. Preserve your learning. Integrate previous learnings. Live your learning.
16. Out LEVERAGE your competitors. Spot leverage points. Make nothing something. Ideas are waiting. Action is eloquence. Lessons, not mistakes. Bring new value. Bring newer value.
17. Out LISTEN your competitors. Grow humbler ears. Grow smarter ears. Grow empathic ears. Grow mindful ears. Grow silent ears. Grow proportionate ears. Grow proving ears. Grow prepared ears. Grow interdevelopmental ears. Grow helpful ears. Grow present ears. Grow recent ears. Grow Zen ears. Grow honest ears.
18. Out MARKET your competitors. Repeat past successes. Get over yourself. Huh? Before Aha! Fans equal money. Get permission early. Market yourself daily. Imagination, not millions. Imagination, not millions. Make people stop. Sing; don’t yell. Movements, not campaigns.
19. Out POSITION your competitors. Not Got Milk? Consistency, consistency, consistency. Be That Guy. Be the ONLY. Saying no works. Think Grateful Dead.
20. Out PUBLISH your competitors. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today. Start writing today.
21. Out QUESTION your competitors. Ask; don’t tell. But don’t interrogate. Find common ground. Diffuse defensiveness early.
22. Out READ your competitors. Reading isn’t enough. Get Amazon Prime. Stop watching television. Burn your television. Got to Borders. Got to Borders. Got to Borders. Read more books.
23. Out RESPOND your competitors. Fun-dane, not mun-dane. Execution is priceless. Just chill out. Return calls faster.
24. Out SERVICE your competitors. Friendly always wins. Wear their shoes. Complaints are gifts. That’s not good. It’s about THEM. Think repeat customers. Be more unforgettable. Bolster customer confidence. Satisfaction isn’t retention. WOM makes money.
25. Out THINK your competitors. Active, progressive thinking. Brains need practice. Mold your melon. Creativity never stops. Be more wacko. Things will change. Creative is attractive.
26. Out TRUST your competitors. Earn trust trick-free. Educate your eyes. Discover root issues. Listening, not research. Prove credibility early. Advisors win more. Loyalty will skyrocket. Make them SEE. Empathy wins business. Trust builds slowly.
27. Out VALUE your competitors. Easy Tiger. Relax. Attitudes are assets. Visually begets victory. Be more valuable. People WILL buy. Take your pick. Weekly value wins. Price, schmice. Value! Shop for answers. Deserve your fee.