1. Are you really the BEST person to be doing this?
2. Are you watching people who are the BEST in your industry doing what they do in action?
3. How and where do you gain your BEST insights?
4. How are you BEST suited to serve humanity?
5. How can you become the BEST marketer in the world?
6. How do you create an atmosphere in the workplace that encourages the generation and application of your BEST ideas?
7. Is this experience helping you become the BEST version of myself?
8. Is this person helping you become the BEST version of myself?
9. Is this thing helping you become the BEST version of myself?
10. Is what you’re doing right now the BEST use of your time?
11. Is your product the BEST at anything worth measuring?
12. What about the situation brought out the BEST in you?
13. What are the BEST people in your field doing?
14. What are the BEST possible questions you could ask this person?
15. What are you recognized as being the BEST at?
16. What behaviors are preventing you from making progress towards becoming the BEST version of yourself?
17. What can you do to become the BEST?
18. What do you think is the BEST way forward?
19. What happens to someone like you at your spiritual BEST?
20. What is present when you’re at your BEST?
21. What is the BEST possible way to release this energy?
22. What milestones can BEST mark your progress?
23. When have you felt that your actions spoke for the BEST in who you are?
24. Where can you go that helps you relax BEST?
25. Which four small actions will BEST prepare you for a great action blitz tomorrow?
26. Who can you be that would BEST serve my goals?
27. Who is the very BEST in the world in your field, and how do you compare to that person?
28. Why do you want to become the BEST at what you do?
29. You, yourself, are at your BEST when you’re acting HOW?