1. Every time I _______________, it makes people stop, listen and say WOW
2. People always remember me for _________________
3. I’m the first and/or only person to _______________
4. I’m probably the only person you’ll ever meet who will _________________
5. If you looked up the word _______________ in the dictionary, you’d see me
6. If you googled the word ________________, the first ten pages would be my website
7. If was giving a speech to 10,000 people and I only had three sentences to use in my introduction, they would say _____________________
8. In my marketing materials, the words or phrases you will find that nobody else uses are ______________________
9. After saying _________________, I tell customers ‘…because that’s just the way I do business.’
10. When my coworkers need help with _____________, they always call me
11. As soon as I leave a conversation with a group of new people, they’re all probably thinking to themselves, ___________________
12. After people get to know me, they’ll never think about ________________ the same way again
13. When friends or family members introduce me to new people, they say_________
14. My whole life, people have always said I was like a _____________________
15. If I stopped _________________, people would be disappointed
16. When business people introduce me to others, they say ___________________
17. The most remarkable thing about my life is _________________________
18. The most remarkable thing about my business is ____________________
19. When I give my business card to someone, they usually say ________________
20. I’m known for being ___________________
21. The compliment I seem to receive all the time is ______________________
22. There is nobody walking the planet who could share the message about
_________________ better than me
21. If was about to give a speech to 10,000 people and one of the audience members came back stage and asked, ‘So, what’s your speech about?’ I’d probably say ____________________
22. If CNN called me for an interview, they’d want my expert opinion on _________________
23. The reason my customers love me so much is because I always help them with _________________
24. If people were talking about me behind my back, they’d probably call me ‘The ____________ Guy’