1. 1001 More Ways You Reveal Your Personality, Elayne Kahn
2. 50 Success Classics, Tom Butler-Bowdon
3. A Better Way to Live, Og Mandino
4. A Kick in the Seat of the Pants, Roger von Oech
5. A View from the Top, Zig Ziglar
6. A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech
7. A World of Strangers, Lyn Lofland
8. Aha! Jordan Ayan
9. All Business is Show Business, Scott McKain
10. All Marketers Are Liars, Seth Godin
11. Are You Positive? Richard Gaylord Briley
12. As a Man Thinketh, James Allen
13. Asshole No More, Xavier Crement
14. Be Your Own Brand, David McNally & Karl Speak
15. Better Than Good, Zig Ziglar
16. Better Together, Robert Putnam
17. Blink, Malcom Gladwell
18. Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam
19. Brain Tattoos, Karen Post
20. Bravely, Bravely in Business, Richard Connarroe
21. Building the Happiness Centered Business, Dr. Paddi Lund
22. Choices that Change Lives, Hal Urban
23. Communicate with Confidence, Diane Booher,
24. Consulting for Dummies, Bob Nelson & Peter Economy
25. Contact, Leonard Zunin
26. Conversation, Theodore Zeldin
27. Conversationally Speaking, Alan Garner
28. Cracking Creativity, Michael Michalko
29. Dickless Marketing, Yvonne DiVita
30. Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, Harvey McKay
31. Don’t Be Shy, Claude Clement
32. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
33. Enthusiasm Makes the Difference, Norman Vincent Peale
34. First Impressions, Ann Demaris & Valerie White
35. Freakonomics, Steven Levitt & Steven Dubner
36. Free Prize Inside, Seth Godin
37. Future Diary, Mark Victor Hansen
38. Games People Play, Eric Berne
39. Get Slightly Famous, Steven van Yoder
40. Goodbye to Shy, Leil Lowndes
41. Grapevine, Dave Balter
42. Growing Your Business, Mark LeBlanc
43. Habits of Wealth, Bill Byrne
44. Happiness is Smiling, Katherine Gehm
45. He’s Just Not That Into You, Greg Behrendt & Liz Tucillo
46. Help for Shy People, Gerald Phillips
47. Here’s My Card, Bob Popyk
48. How to be a People Magnet, Leil Lowndes
49. How to Click with Everyone Every Time, David Rich
50. How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less, Nicholas Boothman
51. How to Give a Darn Good Speech, Phillip Thiebert
52. How to Make a Habit of Succeeding, Mack Douglas
53. How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less, Nicholas Boothman
54. How to Start Conversations & Make Friends, Don Gabor
55. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
56. IdeaSpotting, Sam Harrison
57. In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters &
58. Influence, Robert Cialdini
59. Interaction Ritual, Erving Goffman
60. It! Jeffrey Magee
61. It’s in the Cards, Ivan Misner
62. Join Me! Danny Wallace
63. Just Do This Stuff, Larry Winget
64. Life After College, Andy Masters
65. Love is the Killer App, Tim Sanders
66. Make a Name for Yourself, Robin Fisher Roffer
67. Masters of Networking, Ivan Misner & Don Morgan
68. Masters of Success, Ivan Misner
69. Million Dollar Consulting, Alan Weiss
70. Million Dollar Habits, Brian Tracy
71. Money Talks, Alan Weiss
72. Naked Conversations, Robert Scoble & Shel Israel
73. Network Your Way to Success, John Timperley
74. Networlding, Melissa Giovagnoli & Jocelyn Carter-Miller
75. Never Be Lied to Again, David Lieberman
76. New Rules, Bill Maher
77. New Think, Edward de Bono
78. Nobodies to Somebodies, Peter Han
79. On Being a Real Person, Harry Emerson Fosdick
80. People Skills, Robert Bolton
81. Perfect Phrases for Managers & Supervisors, Meryl Runion
82. Permission Marketing, Seth Godin
83. Pop! Sam Horn
84. Positive Thinking Every Day, Norman Vincent Peale
85. Power Speak, Dorothy Leeds
86. Professional Networking for Dummies, Donna Fisher
87. Psycho Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
88. Purple Cow, Seth Godin
89. Put Your Best Foot Forward, Jo-Ellan Dimitrius
90. Radical Careering, Sally Hogshead
91. Re-imagine, Tom Peters
92. Relations in Public, Erving Goffman
93. Remember Every Name Every Time, Benjamin Levy
94. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
95. Road Trip Nation, Mike Marriner and Nathan Gebhard
96. Secrets for Success and Happiness, Og Mandino
97. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Ecker
98. See You at the Top, Zig Ziglar
99. Self-Disclosure, Sidney Jourard
100. Self-Promotion for the Creative Person, Lee Silber
101. Sell Easy, Thomas Winninger
102. Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life, Larry Winget
103. Six Thinking Hats, Edward de Bono
104. Small is the New Big, Seth Godin
105. Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
106. Stay Alive All Your Life, Norman Vincent Peale
107. Succeed on Your Own Terms, Herb Greenberg & Patrick Sweeney
108. Success Built to Last, Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery & Mark Thompson
109. Success, One Day at a Time, John Maxwell
110. Take this Advice, Sandra Bark
111. Talking the Winner’s Way, Leil Lowndes
112. The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success, Brian Tracy
113. The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time, Ken Langdon
114. The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People, David Niven
115. The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People, David Niven
116. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Al Ries & Jack Trout
117. The 7 Powers of Questions, Dorothy Leeds
118. The Anatomy of Buzz, Emanuel Rosen
119. The Art of Possibility, Benjamin Zander
120. The Art of Winning Conversation, Morey Stettner
121. The Attention Economy, Thomas Davenport, John Beck
122. The Bible, Various Authors
123. The Brand Called You, Peter Montoya
124. The Brand You 50, Tom Peters
125. The Choice is Yours, John Maxwell
126. The Choice, Og Mandino
127. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Clear Communication, Kris Cole
128. The Culture of Fear, Eric Schlosser
129. The Death and Life of American Cities, Jane Jacobs
130. The Difference Maker, John Maxwell
131. The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber
132. The Fine Art of Small Talk, Debra Fine
133. The First Five Minutes, Mary Mitchell
134. The Game, Neil Strauss
135. The Good Book, William Jenkins
136. The Greatest Miracle in the World, Og Mandino
137. The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino
138. The Greatest Salesman in the World: Part 2, Og Mandino
139. The Greatest Secret in the World, Og Mandino
140. The Greatest Success in the World, Og Mandino
141. The Hidden Dimension, Edward Hall
142. The Integrity Advantage, Adrian Gostick & Dana Telford
143. The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill
144. The Likeability Factor, Tim Sanders
145. The Little Black Book of Connections, Jeffrey Gitomer
146. The Little Red Book of Sales Answers, Jeffrey Gitomer
147. The Little Red Book of Selling, Jeffrey Gitomer
148. The Medium is the Massage, Marshall McLuhan
149. The Obvious Expert, Elsom & Mark Eldridge
150. The Personal Branding Phenomenon, Peter Montoya
151. The Positive Principle Today, Norman Vincent Peale
152. The Power of Charm, Brian Tracy & Ron Arden
153. The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
154. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Erving Goffman
155. The Pursuit of WOW, Tom Peters
156. The Return of the Ragpicker, Og Mandino
157. The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Steven Scott
158. The Rules of Business, FastCompany Magazine
159. The Search to Belong, Joe Meyers
160. The Search, John Battelle
161. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey
162. The Success Principles, Jack Canfield
163. The Tipping Point, Malcom Gladwell
164. The Transparency Edge, Barbara & Elizabeth Pagano
165. The Transparent Self, Sidney Jourard
166. The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want,
Mike Hernacki
167. The Virtual Handshake, David Teten & Scott Allen
168. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
169. Thinkertoys, Michael Michalko
170. This is Earl Nightingale, Earl Nightingale
171. Total Self-Confidence, Robert Anthony
172. Tribal Knowledge, John Moore
173. Triumph Over Shyness, Murray Stein & John Walker
174. Trump Your Way to the Top, Donald Trump
175. Try Giving Yourself Away, David Dunn
176. Turning to One Another, Margaret Wheatley
177. Unhooked Generation, Jillian Straus
178. University of Success, Og Mandino
179. Unleashing the Ideavirus, Seth Godin
180. Upgrade! Mark Sanborn
181. What Do I Say Next? Susan Roane
182. What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson
183. When They Were 22, Brad Dunn
184. Why We Don’t Talk to Each Other Anymore, John Locke
185. Wisdom for a Young CEO, Douglas Barry
186. Wisdom to Grow On, Charles Acquisto
187. Words that Win, Don Gabor
188. Wrestling with Success, Jeffrey Gitomer and Nikita Kolof
189. Yay, You! Sandra Boynton
190. You Can If You Think You Can, Norman Vincent Peale
191. You’ve Only Got Three Seconds, Camile Lavington
192. Your Attention Please, Paul Brown & Alison Davis
193. Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen
194. Your Road Map to Success, John Maxwell